How to dispose of laminate flooring

Laminate flooring is made of 80% wood. That means that much of it can be recycled. Before you start filling your dumpster, there are a few things to consider.

What type of waste do you have?

Basic flooring installation supplies can be safely thrown away in your dumpster when you are finished. No extra measures for clean up required! Laminate planks can also be burned due to the percentage of wood it is comprised of.

Flooring debris is another story.

Did you rip up old flooring to make room for the new?

If so, you probably have a large pile of debris ready to be thrown away, such as carpet. We suggest taking this to the landfill instead of filling your dumpster with it. This is especially true if the flooring you tore up was any type of hardwood or laminate, which can be recycled.

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The landfill is able to recycle the flooring, which is better for the environment. As much as 85% of laminate flooring can be put back into production. This often comes out in the form of wood chips or fibers.

Are you keeping enough leftover planks?

The good thing about laminate flooring is that it’s so easy to replace damaged planks. Keeping 5% – 10% of your laminate flooring on hand will help you switch out any planks that might become damaged due to unexpected flooding, scratches, or chips.

Many times, manufacturers stop making certain styles of laminate flooring. If that’s the case with you, you might not be able to buy your exact style of laminate when you need it. Having your extra supply on hand will help you avoid the need to replace all of your floors.

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